2ids | 14 years ago | 2 comments | 2.3K views
hi outerspace-team
first of all we want to thank you so much for this excellent piece of software. never found something on the inet that is nearly similar to what blufftiler is. amazing...yes it is...
now to our ideas perhaps for the next versions.
what about physic for the particleegine. we think about magnetism or reflectors and deflectors for the particles?
go on with your great work. we really loving it.
thanks and all the best wishes
2IDs media:design
Thank you for your suggestions.
Have you already played around with the TARGET LAYER property of the particle layer? The demo show media / shows / startup / BurningDot.bt uses this property.
michiel, 14 years ago
hi outerspace-team
yes, we have played with this feature but not so close.
indeed it came near that what we are looking for :-)
thanks and all the best wishes
2IDs media:design
2ids, 14 years ago