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viddy | 14 years ago | 2.4K views

Hello Michiel/Bluff Peeps,

What's the chance of tweaking your 'container' logic to achieve this...

For a given container, provide the ability to offset the starting time of its contents by 'x' milliseconds.

Currently, containers are very useful, but they'd become super-dooper useful if the playback of their contents could be offset against the main timeline.

As a simple example, I recently created a 'metor' from several layers and put it into a container which is great...but to create a meteor *shower*, being able to offset the playback of a cloned container by x seconds would make things *much* easier than the current options.

Alternatively, perhaps you could provide an option to trigger the container's playback via its transparency? So that if the transparency is less than 100% (i.e when it becomes 'visible'), the container contents begin their playback...

Either way, it would also be extremely useful for controlling things like video layer playback*, which is still very limited and restricting in BT.

[* In terms of video playback, the current biggest obstacle to effective use of clips within BT is being unable to decide *when* a video clip begins its playback within a show.]

Thaks for a great product,

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