NextPreviousHomeScroller layer

stbo | 14 years ago | 3 comments | 2.4K views

I have the latest version of BT installed.
My scroller layer does not start the text being scrolled at the beginning. When I export the movie the text shown is only a part of the text, and I have no idea how to tell the scroller to start scrolling from the beginning of the text. Anybody any ideas?

Thank you.

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Maybe the start (the right side) of the scroller is invisible. When you press F2 the boundaries of the scroller are displayed. This way you can finetune the POSITION and WIDTH properties, making sure the right side is visible.

Another solution is to switch from NOT FILLED to FILLED with the 2nd dropdown below the textbox. This way the scroller is never empty.

And if you want full control you can always use a text layer and animate the TEXT POSITION property.

michiel, 14 years ago


There is still a problem. If I put about 80 words into the ticker, it does not display all the text if I export as movie, or play the show in BT.

Some questions:

1. Does BT work out how quickly it has to scroll the text in order to make it fit the duration of the show?

2. If it does not, how can I work out how long to make the show to have all the text showing?

Thank you.

stbo, 14 years ago

Why don't you set the show duration to 1 hour (a duration that is far more than enough), play the show and wait until the whole text has been displayed. This is the duration you need.

Another option is to use the SCROLL SPEED property to make the text scroll faster.

But maybe it's better to use a text layer instead and animate the TEXT POSTION property.

michiel, 14 years ago

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