
carlo | 18 years ago | 10 comments | 3 likes | 8.6K views

michiel and Tester like this!

Hallo Michiel,
Bixelangelo ist eine feine Sache. Aber wo
ist mein Hintergrund?
Jetzt noch eine andere Frage. Im Explorer kann
ich BT nicht mehr starten. Das BT Icon ist ganz klein.
Ich hoffe auf eine Antwort.


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Hallo Carlo,

Du kannst - wie bisher auch - jeden beliebigen Hintergrund verwenden. Deine Schrift wird von Bixelangelo als eine Png-Datei gespeichert. Die musst Du importieren, genau wie Du es mit einem Bild machst.
Dass BT nicht mehr im Explorer startet, ist bei mir leider jetzt auch.

Ulli, 18 years ago

The background picture in Bixelangelo is only meant for tracing and is not exported in the show file.

If you want to use the same picture as a background in BluffTitler you will have to create a new picture layer. You can do that with the menu item LAYER / ADD PICTURE LAYER...

You can bring your sketch map to the front by setting the second drop down list box on the left side of the tool window to 3D IN FOREGROUND.

michiel, 18 years ago

If nothing happens when you double click on a .BT show file you will have to teach Windows what to do:

1) Right click on a .BT show file
2) choose OPEN WITH...
3) click BROWSE and select BluffTitler.exe (most of the time located in the c:\program files\outerspace software\blufftitler directory)
5) press OK

michiel, 18 years ago

Bixelangelo can be found here:

michiel, 18 years ago

Michael ,

Thank you for the answer, but what happen that the option of Open with is not valid so I did it via open and then Select the program from a list..
there I did not find the Bluff file at all, as if it is not registered ...
Please advise.

MikelH, 18 years ago

If BluffTitler is not in the list you can use the BROWSE button to locate BluffTitler.exe

Most of the time this file is located in the c:\program files\outerspace software\blufftitler directory

michiel, 18 years ago

Done that and it was not solved.
I took the instalation file on another computer and installed it there to see what happen. The result was the same on a brand new computer the BT icon for the show was not set and instead it was an OS icon set and the question was from the OS with which program to associate the file with. So please look into the instalation file and find what is happening.. it is not the local OS issue.

MikelH, 18 years ago

Yes, that it correct. The installer does not associate .BT files with BluffTitler.

michiel, 18 years ago

The standard way of associating files for some reason doesn't work. I have tried it on two seperate PCs with the same result.

It can be associated but it is a little more complex here are the instructions...

Tools > Folder Options > File Types

New then enter BT & click OK

Then from the Details for 'BT' extension select Advanced...

Click Change Icon and browse to where BluffTitler is installed by default this is now C:\Program Files\Outerspace Software\BluffTitler\ and select BluffTitler.exe and select the Red BT icon and click OK

Then under Actions select New... and under Action: type Open

Then under Application used to perform action select Browse and again select the BluffTitler.exe file the line should like (including the quotes) "C:\Program Files\Outerspace Software\BluffTitler\BluffTitler.exe" then add a space "%1" so the line then reads:-
"C:\Program Files\Outerspace Software\BluffTitler\BluffTitler.exe" "%1"

Click OK and Close and hopefully that should be it.

It would be nice to have this automatically associated like previous versions.

DeanO, 18 years ago

Danke Ulli, Danke Michiel,
mit den PNG Bildern klappt es jetzt prima.

Das Starten im Explorer ist auch nach
diversen Versuchen noch nicht gelungen.
Hier wird Dir, Michiel, bestimmt noch eine
Loesung einfallen.

carlo, 18 years ago

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