bambamD | a day ago | 6 comments | 6 likes | 108 views
xinyi, liuyongcai, songbaojin and 3 others like this!
is so nice that Winmap creators use some VFX type fractals, would like to suggest creation of similar one and maybe how to do it?
Realize that any property of any layer/effect can be connected to the audio track with the VJ dialog. Not as easy to use as the VJ Magic Ring effect, but super flexible and super powerful:
michiel, 19 hours ago
And if you're interested in fractals, you can find a few fractal effects in the ProceduralTextures folder. For example the ProceduralTextures\Fractal_FerroMagneticC effect.
They work great with picture layers, but can be applied to any other layer type. And realize that their properties can jump to the beat by using the VJ dialog!
michiel, 19 hours ago
I am partner in my wife company XtraX 5G, teacher and open for suggestions and have will to share my knowledge in filming industry. Working with Bluff since 2010! But didn't learned all compatibilities that this program can make, also doing render WITH IClone reallusion and I am member of The CGBros, Yamaha and music Planet then Filmora Squad Leader Top Level.
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