LostBoyz | 6 months ago | 8 comments | 8 likes | 315 views
Jeep35, michiel, chaver and 5 others like this!
I thought a lot about how to create moving, lifelike clouds in BluffTitler. It's not 100%, but it doesn't look that bad in my opinion.
Great idea. I tried it and slowed the wave speed right down and played with texture size. Made it look more realistic.
lightads, 6 months ago
Realistic 3D clouds are the holy grail to achieve. I hope one day there will be a glb version capable of doing this. In the meantime you have to make do with videos, particles, png... Your example is a successful illustration.
vincent, 6 months ago
Great. Can't work with the show. In the hospitaal. But did you use the plasma layer with the fractal cloud?
Filip, 6 months ago
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