SamSaam | 6 months ago | 6 comments | 238 views
Dear Sir,
I hope this message finds you well.
Firstly, I would like to express my admiration for the fantastic work you've done with BLUFFtitler. It has become an essential tool in my creative projects.
I have a suggestion that I believe could open new opportunities for BLUFFtitler and significantly enhance its capabilities. It would be incredibly beneficial if the software could support the insertion of plugins or add-ons to allow the integration of real-time HTML content within its 4D environment. This feature would enable users like myself to display dynamic web content directly in our BLUFFtitler projects.
To illustrate, there is a software called UltraLight which provides a portable, WebKit-based SDK called Universal Web Renderer. This SDK allows for the effortless display of modern web content across various platforms, including desktop apps, game consoles, TVs, embedded device displays, servers, and more. You can find more details here:
I believe adding such functionality could greatly enhance the versatility and appeal of BLUFFtitler, making it an even more powerful tool for a wide range of users.
Thank you for considering my suggestion. I look forward to your response and hope to see BLUFFtitler continue to evolve with even more amazing features!
Best regards,
Realize that you can use a screen grabber app to record your HTML content. The result can be rendered in BluffTitler with a picture or video layer. Here's an example of your community post rendered inside a BixPack template!
michiel, 6 months ago
Dear Vincent,
It's quite simple, actually. Firstly, I've never felt my work was quite up to the impressive standards set by others here. Secondly, I often face technical difficulties when trying to upload files from my country.
Dear Michiel,
Thank you very much,
I need it for real time 3D Digital Signage.
SamSaam, 6 months ago
SamSaam, probably the easiest way would be to introduce a new kind of texture: a screen grabber texture. This texture updates itself every frame by grabbing the content of your browser window (or any other window of any other app). This immediately supports all complex browser techniques including WebGL that not yet supports.
michiel, 6 months ago
SamSaam, 6 months ago