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bambamD | a year ago | 10 comments | 1 like | 510 views

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rendering bluff obj with 35 seconds at 7680x4380 1051 frames N alpha 3 samples pp
costed me 97 GB today finish video with my live show tomorow hope max to get from yt will see if will make it.
Bluff song.. also to mention by the way
First Bluff put on sales think so (must confrim it Mr. michiel)
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Jul 15, 2009

and my first Bluff I got 2012

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bambamD, a year ago

That's a lot but I'm not surprised given the 8k resolution. I remember these sketches linked to an image with a color gradient, not easy to generate but the result is cool.

vincent, a year ago

yes truth

bambamD, a year ago

I call this project Bluff song ha

bambamD, a year ago

will be good idea to everybody send me his favorite show so next project I unite all comunity in Bluff song EXTENDED!

bambamD, a year ago

Nice to know BluffTitler has no problems with 8K!

However, here are the Google Analytics screen resolution stats. As you can see, some will enjoy QHD, but nobody 4K or 8K. Maybe some watch the result in 4K or 8K on their TV, but according to the stats nobody is surfing this site in those resolutions.

michiel, a year ago

didnt know that but i tryed 8k and to finish renering in few hours..ufff

bambamD, a year ago

and they can choose Mister michiel witch format to see on their screens as I can choose when lookup 4 K videos..

bambamD, a year ago

You arent watching it at 4k or 8k. YouTube like most streaming services uses an ABR encoding that automatically reduces the resolution to the highest resolution that you can actually use.

If you are choosing the 4k resolution and you see the quality get better that is because YouTube has such poor quality that you are actually just seeing the quality level come up to your 1080p screen resolution.

I am lucky in that I get to work with source video (4:4:4 or 4:4:2) on a daily basis, and until you see what true full source video looks like you won't really understand how bad YouTube quality is. A better test would be Netflix or Amazon Prime 4k as both of those services offer a better quality 4k stream.

7.5K viewsView upvotesAnswer requested by
Dylson Lombax

bambamD, a year ago

and I didnt do that video to impress someone is from my heart!

bambamD, a year ago

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About bambamD

I am partner in my wife company XtraX 5G, teacher and open for suggestions and have will to share my knowledge in filming industry. Working with Bluff since 2010! But didn't learned all compatibilities that this program can make, also doing render WITH IClone reallusion and I am member of The CGBros, Yamaha and music Planet then Filmora Squad Leader Top Level.

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