Filip | a year ago | 1 comment | 408 views
I tried to make a colourmap and a glowmap for a text Layer.
But is doesn't work as I expected.
I used this Colourmap and Glowmap. Made with Filterforge
Not sure what you are trying to achieve.
Some ideas:
If the glow is to extreme, set the GLOW INTENSITY prop of the camera layer to a lower value.
If the glow glows the whole text and not only the details, use a glow map with more contrast, smaller details and set the TEXTURE SIZE prop of the text layer to a higher value.
In case you want to glow the whole text, do not use a glow map but simply mark the GLOW checkbox in the LAYER > ACTIVE LAYER PROPERTIES... dialog.
If you want to apply the glow map to all letters, update to version
michiel, a year ago