NextPreviousHomeBix Pack 46 ???

MrGruntHunter | a year ago | 9 comments | 395 views

Michiel, are there any new Bix Packs being developed that you could tell us about ?

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Lots of ideas and mockups exploring the power of version 16:

But no concrete plans yet for new BixPacks. Which themes, techniques or applications would you be interested in?

michiel, a year ago

Good question: Sports: Volleyball, soccer, tennis and of course Mountainbiken and bicycling........

And funny cartoons:

Filip, a year ago

More cool text effects, screens, real world advertising types things '-)

bhp2000, a year ago

Along with Flip's suggestions I know Alex and I both do a lot of traveling so I'm inclined to look for Camping, RV'g, Cruising, flying etc themes. I also thought having one dedicated to various holidays would be nice. I have to give Vincent lots of credit and appreciation for his helping me develop the intro I now uses for my RV traveling videos. I have a lot of ideas but just don't know how to create them :-(

MrGruntHunter, a year ago

Thank you all for your suggestions!

MrGruntHunter, for now, when you're looking for a RV, maybe a model like this can get you started:

michiel, a year ago

Thank you Michiel, I'm checking it out. I may look at using something like that for my travel maps.

MrGruntHunter, a year ago

A BixPack "Landscape" would be great (included winter).

Ulli, a year ago

Beautiful text effects and yes, different holidays through the year would be perfect

DanaM, a year ago

More Dutch Skies would be great.

lightads, a year ago

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Dell PC WINDOWS 10 PRO, 64-bit, Ver:1607, OS BLD: 14393.1066
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