Sma | a year ago | 33 comments | 1 like | 831 views
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Choosing font and shape(change font),there is a simple problem that was not earlier in the older versions and specifically in the 11.2.2 release was ideal.
البرنامج يدعم الكتابة للغة العربية لكن تنسيق واجهة الخط فيه مشكلة ,الطلب هو واجهة اكثر تناسق وسهولة . مع فائق الشكر والتقدير
Sma, a year ago
Not all fonts feature the Arabic characters. Some apps, including Windows itself, automatically try to switch to a replacement font. This strategy however is dangerous for an app like BluffTitler because this replacement font could be different on another machine, making your show look different or even break it.
Best practice is to use a Unicode font featuring the Arabic characters, like Arial.
For old non-Unicode fonts, switch to the DEFAULT or ARABIC character set in the MEDIA > CHANGE FONT... dialog.
michiel, a year ago
Thank you for the guidance and help. I have a question: Marked by the green and blue rectangle, can you explain its purpose? I am grateful for your assistance.
Sma, a year ago
Those are the first characters of the selected character set. In your screenshot, these are the Latin characters as used in languages like Dutch, English and Italian. The Unicode character set defines many more, including Arabic, but they do not fit in the dialog. If you want, we could add a slider to make those visible as well.
michiel, a year ago
Ik ben dankbaar voor uw antwoord op mijn vraag. Ik wil graag dat de letters van de taal ook aanwezig zijn binnen de cyaan rechthoeken
Sma, a year ago
In principle, this is what is required, so that the result is similar to the attached image
Sma, a year ago
Your collage is impossible. You've selected the Arial font. This is a Unicode font, so you have to select the Unicode character set. The Arabic character set is only used for old non-Unicode fonts. Please take a look at my screenshot.
After selecting the Arial font and the Unicode character set, re-enter your text by typing or pasting your Arabic text in the textbox.
michiel, a year ago
As a user: the conclusion from the introduction (default) is the best for us, but there is something more important that I would like to point out
Sma, a year ago
This ideal result in writing here: Is it possible to benefit from the attached picture?🤔
Sma, a year ago
It looks like the Aldhabi font uses ligatures that are not recognized. Thank you for the report, we'll try to fix this.
For now, I advise you to export the text from CorelDRAW as an EPS file and render it with a vector layer:
Alternatively you could export it as a transparent PNG and render it with a traced picture layer:
michiel, a year ago
We've found a solution: enter ﷽ with the Aldhabi font, using the Unicode character set.
michiel, a year ago
هناك ملاحظات لكن هذه الصورة اكثر من رائعة جمال جنوني له قيمته ,رزقكم الله خير الدنيا والاخرة وابعد الله عنكم شر الدنيا والاخرة .
Sma, a year ago
I have attached the BT file to this article, click on the blue DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button at the top of this page to download it.
Yes, it took some puzzling. When you want to thank us, promote BluffTitler in the Arabic world!
michiel, a year ago
I do not use the program for commercial use..but I consider myself the owner of the program. I am the program manager...get ready to receive feedback, problems and requests and take the necessary action for users..God willing
Sma, a year ago
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