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Eric Sands | a year ago | 8 comments | 1 like | 374 views

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I am trying to export a video with a transparency Alpha channel. I'm importing into Adobe Premiere Pro CC. The video plays with a black background, not a transparent background. Any suggestions?

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I don't use AP CC so I cannot answer directly but usually in an NLE there will be a setting on the properties of a clip to set an alpha channel or on the video track under compositing mode. Sorry cannot be of much more help. I presume you are exporting *.mov or *.AVI from BT. Cheers John

Pioneer, a year ago

Thank you. I Didn't see anything obvious but I will check again.... yes I did export to AVI with Alpha Channel checkbox.

Eric Sands, a year ago

I did check and I don't see anything that requires a preparation of a track with an alpha channel within Adobe Premiere Pro. I have other tracks with transparent backgrounds that work fine. I tried compressed and uncompressed. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thank you.

Eric Sands, a year ago

You should export as Apple ProRes

Jeep35, a year ago

In Vegas :

vincent, a year ago

First thing I would do is testing the exported video by loading it back into BluffTitler as a video layer: choose LAYER > ADD LAYER > ADD VIDEO LAYER... In this screenshot the video is a white text on a transparent background. The video layer is rendered on top of a plasma layer: choose LAYER > ADD LAYER > ADD PLASMA LAYER...

If this goes well, the problem is Premiere.

michiel, a year ago

I found the problem!

The alpha channel is there... it's just not showing up on my preview because I have PROXIES toggled ON. Proxies are a way of rendering all video source material into a lower resolution to speed up editing. For final output, it will use the high resolution source... When I disable proxies, transparency works.

So in Adobe Premiere, you will not see transparency unless you untoggle proxies.

Thanks for everyone's help!

Eric Sands, a year ago

Happy to hear you've found the problem!

The user guide has been updated:

michiel, a year ago

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