Alex-Raymond T. | a year ago | 10 comments | 10 likes | 624 views
Tintin, chaver, Filip and 7 others like this!
Basé sur le même système de recharge électrique que la "Dolean" de "Retour vers le futur", il est éclologique 100% et ne coûte rien en énergie ! Alors... Essayez-le !
Le fichier GLB du copter a été remastérisé pour obtenir une meilleure rotation du Rotor et de l'Hélice, plus agréable pour la visualisation.
Ne pas oublier que pour toute partie tournante avec des rayons (jantes, hélices, etc), il est bien d'appliquer une légère transparence pour plus de réalité.
Version française du short:
Link for the original copter:
Based on the same electric charging system as the "Dolean" from "Back to the Future", it is 100% eco-friendly and costs nothing in energy! So... give it a try!
The GLB file of the copter has been remastered to obtain a better rotation of the Rotor and the Propeller, more pleasant for visualization.
Do not forget that for any rotating part with spokes (rims, propellers, etc.), it is good to apply a slight transparency for more reality.
Shocking good
Filip, a year ago
Super fun animation!
Maybe we need a system similar to the rolling wheels to rotate the rotor blades. But in contrast to the rolling wheels, the rotation in not a function of the position so we need an extra prop to set the rotation speed.
michiel, a year ago
Thank you Vincent and Filip.
@ Michiel: Thank you for considering the propeller and rotor rotation issues. Indeed, I tried to go through the "wheel" box of the "Change model" window, even with the support of container layers, the rotation does not take place around the correct axis. So I had to go through Blender to create two separate rotation animations for the "Rotor + propeller" sub-model.
Hence the fact that you are talking about an additional accessory to adjust the rotation in position relative to an axis and in speed.
It is an excellent idea.
Alex-Raymond T., a year ago
Great demo !
Just a specific info, the "Back to the Future" car is the "DeLorean" which is still maintained in the US
Jeep35, a year ago
Tutoriels et packs sur le montage vidéo avec BluffTitler et MAGIX VideodeLuxe:
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