Alex-Raymond T. | 4 years ago | 20 comments | 12 likes | 1.7K views
vincent, lightads, crispin and 9 others like this!
En cette période de confinement, restons Zen et prenons notre mal en patience…
Merci BluffTitler de nous aider à mettre en image de merveilleux souvenirs…
En média Files, ce ballet à monter sur vos images et musiques qui vous apaisent…
N’oubliez pas la possibilité d’exporter en GIF à fond transparent, les images de début et de fin étant raccord, vous pourrez l’intégrer indéfiniment dans vos vidéos sur la durée de vos musiques (Conseil : suivant votre NLE, comme VDL de Magix, décocher« Ne pas utiliser ne canal dans les données source» de de l’effet chrominance)
Vous pouvez aussi « Enregistrer le preset » pour conserver les réglages.
In this period of confinement, let's stay Zen and take our pain in patience…
Thank you BluffTitler for helping us to picture wonderful memories…
In Media Files, this ballet to be mounted on your images and music that soothe you ...
Do not forget the possibility of exporting as a GIF with a transparent background, the start and end images being linked, you can integrate it indefinitely in your videos over the duration of your music (Tip: depending on your NLE, like VDL of Magix, uncheck "Do not use a channel in the source data" of the chrominance effect)
You can also "Save the preset" to keep the settings.
Superbe ART! Excellente idée et parfaitement mise en oeuvre. Un grand merci, et fais attention à toi.
vincent, 4 years ago
Great Thnx for sharing.
Filip, 4 years ago
We have been thinking about automating this with a few extra particle layer props:
michiel, 4 years ago
Spectaculaire virtuosité Raymond .A la 1ière lecture j'ai cru que tu vais filmé la séquence avec un caméscope. Étonnante et bluffante ces particules.
Merci pour le partage.
PAT67, 4 years ago
Bravo l'ami Raymond !
Encore une notion à apprendre, ce logiciel à une infinité de possibilités.
maggico, 4 years ago
Thank you all for your nice little words.
@Michiel. Very very interesting this general presentation of boids on Wikipedia. Very surprising, the short explanatory video of the creation of movements of elements that attract, move closer and repel each other. It's so alive!
I must admit that I spent some time to obtain this result, which is far from perfect, it is not yet quite what I would have liked to do, but I am happy with it!
I made a video of the complete music (5'20 ") with a gif of this preset, and on my TV, on the large screen, the result is stunning, like BluffTilter by the way! Thank you Michiel.
Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago
Ho, ho hold on and wait just a minute.
Are you telling us that particles then would have a crude form of collision detection?
Where they avoid each other but still keep close in the same directional movement (path)?
BUT for now will not have weight and still can't stack on each other to like fill a Displacement Landscape Layer made hole?
They yeah! Every step closer is an asset!
komies, 4 years ago
And are you thinking about attractors and avoiders elements.
Like in the moth demo "follow the leader" attribute to add to sketch path?
And avoiders like preditors where the flock disperse to be added too a container?
Visible with F2?
komies, 4 years ago
Komies, with the TARGET LAYER property of the particle layer another layer can be used as the attractor.
michiel, 4 years ago
Here's another trick:
When you attach particles to a picture layer using the CLOTH style (1st dropdown), the particles do not move with the picture layer (they live in world space). Use a high LIFETIME and a small LAUNCH SPEED and move the picture layer around. Make the picture layer invisible by applying the INVISIBLE effect.
michiel, 4 years ago
Big thanks Michiel, with this trick the particles move in space, which gives depth to the cloud of particles. It remains to refine the right settings.
Grand Merci Michiel, avec cette astuce les particules se déplacent dans l'espace, ce qui donne de la profondeur à la nuée de particules. Reste à peaufiner les bon réglages.
Alex-Raymond T., 4 years ago
Yes I like that: "we can do with what we have mentality"
But you suggested a New Effect based on Boids for the Particle layer that we don't have (yet).
So my questions are more aimed at: When you make this New Effect does it have......... Because what ever you fill in on those dots will add new options to how we can control particles.
e.g. "separation: steer to avoid crowding local flockmates"
Could this be used as a collision detection mechanics because that would be a great plus when particles don't overlap when needed?
komies, 4 years ago
Komies, with the MIN DISTANCE property of the particle layer you can set the minimum initial distance between the particles. Maybe this helps for now:
michiel, 4 years ago
Fantastic! a good job.
Jesus, 4 years ago
Magnifique et reposant en ces moments de stress que nous vivons actuellement. Merci beaucoup pour le partage
Babe34, 4 years ago
Tutoriels et packs sur le montage vidéo avec BluffTitler et MAGIX VideodeLuxe:
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