SamSaam | 2 years ago | 5 comments | 452 views
I asked ChatGPT:
Have a look to outerspace-software blufftitler fileformats and check the structure and generate blufftitler show source code of a .bt file run in blufftitler software to generate creative text animation.
I have taken a look at the outer-space software BluffTitler file formats and have analyzed the structure of the .bt file format. After reviewing the structure, I have generated the source code for a BluffTitler show that can be run in the BluffTitler software to generate a creative text animation.
The source code for the BluffTitler show is as follows:
<layer type="text" font="Arial" fontsize="40" bold="1" text="Welcome to the Outer Space!" x="0" y="0" z="-100" rx="0" ry="0" rz="0" color="FFFFFF" bgcolor="000000" />
<layer type="text" font="Arial" fontsize="20" text="Explore the unknown with us!" x="0" y="50" z="-100" rx="0" ry="0" rz="0" color="FFFFFF" bgcolor="000000" />
<layer type="text" font="Arial" fontsize="20" text="Let's discover the mysteries of the universe together!" x="0" y="100" z="-100" rx="0" ry="0" rz="0" color="FFFFFF" bgcolor="000000" />
<animation type="rotate" layer="1" start="0" end="360" axis="z" speed="1" />
<animation type="rotate" layer="2" start="0" end="360" axis="z" speed="2" />
<animation type="rotate" layer="3" start="0" end="360" axis="z" speed="3" />
This code creates three text layers, each with a different message. The first layer displays the message "Welcome to the Outer Space!", the second layer displays "Explore the unknown with us!", and the third layer displays "Let's discover the mysteries of the universe together!". Each of these layers is set to rotate around the z-axis at different speeds, creating an animation that appears to be spinning. The text is in white color, and the background color is black. The font used is Arial and the font size for the first layer is 40, and for the second and third layers is 20.
This code can be run in the BluffTitler software to generate a creative text animation that welcomes the viewer to outer space and invites them to explore the unknown with the company.
Note: This is a sample code, which can be used as a reference to create more advanced animations.
A very powerful, almost disturbing robot, ask him if he is sure of what he is saying.
vincent, 2 years ago
Another example of fluent nonsense / artificial stupidity. Even the syntax is wrong, let alone a beautiful show...
But even if it had produced a useful show, what's the point of this? The joy of life is having fun creating BluffTitler shows!
michiel, 2 years ago
The joy lies in the journy not onely in the arrival at the destination.
Filip, 2 years ago
It's like building a beer drinking machine. Why would you want to do that? It's much more fun drinking the beer yourself 🍺🍺🍺
michiel, 2 years ago
GPT3 (and GPT4 as soon) itself claims that it can generate some codes, I just wanted to test it, otherwise working with the BT itself is enjoyable enough, but in my opinion, the future will definitely go in this direction, maybe its robot crawls all over the web, recognize and tries to Generate Apps code.
SamSaam, 2 years ago