NextPreviousHomeUse of Quixel textures files

Jeep35 | 2 years ago | 6 comments | 2 likes | 615 views

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Quixel provides textures with the following files :

• Albedo
• AO
• Displacement.jpg
• Displacement.exr
• Roughness.jpg
• Normal.jpg
and sometimes Opacity.jpg

Which is the best use of these files and with which effect ?


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Albedo is the colour map:

To save precious video memory, the AO (ambient occlusion) and roughness maps are often combined into a single ORM map:

Displacement is the displacement map:

EXR is an HDR format. This is necessary to prevent the terracing effect in height maps. Make sure to have a picture codec installed that can handle this format:

Normal is the normal map:

Opacity is the alpha map:

michiel, 2 years ago

There is no "best effect". If this was the case, we could delete all effects, except one 😉

For picture layers, I would use the AdvancedMaterials\ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect and place the albedo in the 1st slot and the normal in the 2nd.

For landscape layers, I would use the AdvancedMaterials\ColourmapDisplacementmapReflectionmap effect and place the albedo in the 1st slot and the displacement in the 2nd.

For model layers I would use the Special\NormalMapper and place the albedo in the 1st slot and the normal in the 2nd. But this will never look as good as using the textures that came with the model.

Many other combinations are possible. Have fun experimenting!

michiel, 2 years ago

Thank you Michiel, this is very clear and useful.

Jeep35, 2 years ago

Merci pour ces explications.

Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago

Dear Michiel,
Which effect can I use to make a 3d of a portrait with :
1-A transparent Png as my model
2-An image as HeightMap
3-An Image as NormalMap that I generated by :

SamSaam, 2 years ago

SamSaam, I don't believe there's an effect that combines displacement mapping (using your height map) with normal mapping. Thank you for your request!

For now, you can combine colour mapping (your transparent PNG) with normal mapping with this effect:

And colour mapping (your transparent PNG) with displacement mapping (your height map) with this effect:

Both effects also support a cube map, but you do not have to use it. Simply leave this slot empty.

michiel, 2 years ago

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