Filip | 2 years ago | 13 comments | 3 likes | 478 views
Decentralized, Ulli and songbaojin like this!
BLESSED CHRISTMAS to Michiel, the team and all my friends in the community. To my regret I was not able to create a propper christmas BT show. Instead you get a view from my hospital room on the largest christmas tree of the Netherlands
Hi Filip, I wish you a good recovery and a Merry Christmas despite your health problems and above all a happy and healthy 2023. Vincent.
vincent, 2 years ago
bonjour Philippe. Je te souhaite une meilleur santé pour 2023 et te souhaite malgré tout un joyeux Noël.
le beau jojo, 2 years ago
En mon nom et tous les amis de BuffTitler nous te souhaitons un prompt rétabilssement. Puisse cette solidarité t'aide à passer ces moments-là. Joyeuses Fêtes Filip.
Eddy, 2 years ago
Que DIOS te de fuerzas para que te recuperes pronto
Mucho animo
Gabriel 👋
gato@mo, 2 years ago
Merry Christmas Filip and above all Get well soon! May the Force be with you for 2023!
Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago
Thx al for your good words. I gives me warm feelings. It's a real community.
Filip, 2 years ago
Auguri a tutta la comunità un Buon Natale e buon 2023 in particolare auguro Filip affinché tu possa guarire al piu presto e tornare fra di noi.
nonnogio, 2 years ago