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OldFart68 | 2 years ago | 8 comments | 445 views

I only see the jeans...

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Filip, 2 years ago

It is due to the texture (not complete).

vincent, 2 years ago

Hmm, good find. Is that fixable?

OldFart68, 2 years ago

you are lucky because I have this texture from an old version, on the other hand this one is in low resolution but it can serve you as a pattern to create a better resolution texture.
In BT, Must be placed in colourmap slot (F9=Change texture/filter dialog box).
Canvas is visible using Effects\System\UVMap.cfx on model with squared resolution (Height=Width)

vincent, 2 years ago

Thanks, great help! Is there a simple way to check issues like these? It was actaully the first GLB I ever used and just my luck I picked one not working ;) Definitely love the GLB option, hoping that a simple preset animation/rigging tool will follow instead of scrolling through a hundred bones ;) For now I am trying to use Mixamoto by Adobe Online, but have not succeeded in converting the FBX into GLB, but that might be due to a bad conversion tool. Thanks for the help Vincent!

OldFart68, 2 years ago

Generaly textures are ok you example is very rare. Blender program convert FBX to GLB.

vincent, 2 years ago

The vast majority of the GLB models on are very good quality, ready to use in BluffTitler. No need to use Mixamo, conversion, animation or rigging tools. In this rare case, Vincent's fix completely solves the issue. Thank you Vincent!

If you still want to use Mixamo, Windows 3D viewer can be used to convert FBX to GLB. Simply choose FILE > SAVE AS... and save as a .GLB file.

michiel, 2 years ago

I use Mixamo to add a range of default animations to a model, it's brilliant. I wasn;t aware Windows 3D viewer had that option, thanks.

OldFart68, 2 years ago

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