JoseArnold | 2 years ago | 3 comments | 591 views

I want to know where can I find the chroma key effect ( green screen).
I searched all shows and could not find it. I remember seeing it some time ago in previous versions.

José Robles

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LostBoyz, 2 years ago

Thank you LostBoyz, but it seems I do not have that option in the Ultimate version.
Under Media I only have shows, nothing else. I upgraded to ultimate hoping to have much more, as the name implies, but unfortunately it has not happened.
Please tell me what version or how can I have Chromakey?

José Robles

JoseArnold, 2 years ago

José, that's strange.

When you choose the menu item MEDIA > CHANGE EFFECT..., click on the SELECT EFFECT... button and go to the Effects/Picture folder you should see something like this.

The ChromaKey and GreenScreen effects can be seen in the top of the middle column.

michiel, 2 years ago

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