DanaM | 3 years ago | 11 comments | 659 views
Hello everyone!
I have a problem! Any help is highly appreciated!
My question is: when i upload a 3D model from sites like free 3D, for example, as .obj, Bluff see the model, but without texture! I must add that along with the model, i upload the folder with textures! What am i doing wrong?
Probably .mtl is missing, you must download the .mtl file associated to the .obj and paste it in near .obj (same folder as .obj)
See link below.
vincent, 3 years ago
Thank you Vincent, .mtl is there, in the same folder with .obj, along with the textures
DanaM, 3 years ago
DanaM, try to open .mtl with notepad to see if you see something like in attached pic.
Maybe your must place texture(s) in a subfolfer (named Textures in my example) or maybe directly in same folder as .obj (no subfolder for pic textures).
But sometimes it can be a problem of conversion from a an other 3D format to .obj where textures are ommitted.
vincent, 3 years ago
Indeed, I am not 100% sure but i don't see any reference to texures in your mtl, but on top of file we see the the obj has been exported from 3ds Max, maybe the one (is it you?) who makes the export failed to tell the program (3ds Max) to embark the materials (textures).
Wait until you see what Michiel says.
Here a link to explain mtl structure
vincent, 3 years ago
Textures don't work, i suppose the problem comes from an incorrect .mtl.
In caracteristiques i see UV mappé : NO , textures : NO
I think it would be better to download models where the values are YES
vincent, 3 years ago
Thank you so much Filip! I don't know how you did it but now it works! Thank you very much!
DanaM, 3 years ago
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