maggiau | 3 years ago | 5 comments | 507 views
I inserted some gifs and jpg image ...
I not understand how to move an image back another one or the contrary ...
I looked in the posts but did not find it ...
Thank you
BluffTitler is a 3D app. A layer is rendered in front of another layer because it's closer to the camera.
So when you want to place an image in front of another image: move it closer to the camera. In most cases this means moving the 3rd slider of the POSITION property to the left.
Due the perspective effect, things closer to the camera look bigger, so you also might want to play around with the SIZE property.
michiel, 3 years ago
I found how to do it from the menu, but the Alt-J does not work ? or I am doing wrong ?
maggiau, 3 years ago
Alessandro, you must select the picture (layer) you want to move and play with Z position (3rd potentiometer)
vincent, 3 years ago
The <Alt> [ and <Alt> ] keys have limited use. You can only swap 2 layers that have the exact same distance to the camera. For example when 2 picture layers use the 2D IN FOREGROUND style.
michiel, 3 years ago
Amateur Musician
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