maggiau | 2 years ago | 8 comments | 10 likes | 633 views
chaver, michiel, Tintin and 7 others like this!
Collaboration with Rob R-Sky.
Done especially for Halloween, autumn, short days.
I Have added the choirs and made the final mix and post production
Done with an old template of BT, but very nice :-)
Next will be the new version :-)
Just a question to the Chief ... eh eh eh ... any way to make the background initial slide to run all the duration of the clip ? Thank you
Great, i really like the pitch variations at some moments, like choirs too. A Great Work !
vincent, 2 years ago
As always, very nice!
It looks like your video is based on the template from BixPack 22. This uses the Filters\Spheremap effect for the background picture. The FX ROTATION prop can be used to animate this. 2 keyframes, one at the beginning (0,0,0) and one at the end of the show (180,180,180) is enough to keep it moving.
michiel, 2 years ago
Maybe I was not precise enough ... I cannot understand the FX rotation , maybe ..
My idea is to have the background images slide show ... that stop turning after 20 seconds, to continue to turn til the end of the video ... maybe duplicationg the image files ?
Thank you :-)
maggiau, 2 years ago
So you want to repeat the 20 second show for 5 minutes?
I think the easiest and fastest way is to export the 20 second show as a video file and repeat this video 15 times in your video editor.
It can be done in BluffTitler in various ways. But this all takes more work:
-use a lot of keyframes
-use a playlist
-use an XML file
michiel, 2 years ago
Oh Yes ... Good idea... Why to do It complicate when there is a simpler solution !
Thank you😎👍🙏
maggiau, 2 years ago
Amateur Musician
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