maggiau | 3 years ago | 3 comments | 589 views
Maybe I foget it.
is ther any BT template to generate a slide show of 200 pics ?
Thank you all
Creating a show with 200 picture layers would be very boring.
To automate things, I would use the dynamic content feature:
The installer comes with a demo:
This demo uses the picture paths stored in this file:
michiel, 3 years ago
Or else use the slideshow tool:
WARNING: shows generated with this tool try to load all pics into memory at the same time, so that can be a problem when using 200 pics. To solve this, use low resolution pics or else set the MAX TEXTURE RESOLUTION in the SETTINGS > OPTIONS... dialog to something like 512 or lower.
michiel, 3 years ago
oups thank you ... a bit complicate for me :-)
but I will read the the link you sent me
maggiau, 3 years ago
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