steveg | 3 years ago | 6 comments | 673 views
I'm trying to create a show where the title is revealed by sand blowing away, from the left to the right. The idea is the title will be covered by sand and then revealed when the sand is blown away.
The attached screenshot shows the title I'm working with (a PNG file I created).
I'm using a particle layer attached to the picture layer but I'm not quite sure how to do it.
Any advice will be appreciated.
= Steve
Have you tried a gradient wipe?
You need 3 pictures:
1) from (top left)
2) to (top right)
3) gradient wipe (bottom left)
The Filters\GradientWipe effect creates the transition (bottom right)
The installer comes with a demo:
michiel, 3 years ago
Thank you for the suggestions Michiel.
This is the sort of effect I'm trying to create.
steveg, 3 years ago
Attaching particles to the text and moving it from back to front will do the trick.
michiel, 3 years ago
Software developer and 2D animator.
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