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Filip | 3 years ago | 3 comments | 485 views

From the documentation:
When using the Spider, Centipede or Mammal style, the arms try to reach the floor at vertical position 0 and automatically perform a walk cycle when you animate the Position or Rotation property.

1. Can we have the possibility to use the <Stand in landscape> menu option for the robotic arm layer?
2. Would it be possible to add an option to orientate the arm to reach the Mirror layer?

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Yes that would be wonderful, thank you for your request.

Placing the mirror layer at vertical position 0 does the same.

michiel, 3 years ago

Michiel I know. But I had to change the positioning of all layers of a show when I added a Robotic arm layer.

Filip, 3 years ago

Oh yes, the spider and "Stand in landscape" would be great!

Ulli, 3 years ago

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