SamSaam | 3 years ago | 10 comments | 1 like | 770 views
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I have 100 3D OBJ files and can make a beauty Blufftitler clip with lights and a rotating loop camera in it.
Is there any way to load (like batch mode ) these objects to scene one by one and make a beauty clip .mp4 movie to a directory for each one? (I mean at the end I will have 100 mp4 files in the export directory)
I ask this because I know Blufftitler has a "loading from dynamic content" function.
If the answer is NO, Anybody knows a software for doing this?
thank you
I have good news for you. The next version of BluffTitler will support OBJ files!
michiel, 3 years ago
A dream come true!
I have a lot of purchased 3D items as obj files and in the future I don't need to convert. Oh, I am happy!!
Ulli, 3 years ago
Wow great surprise!
Filip, 3 years ago
thanks Michiel for adding .OBJ FORMAT too, but I meant in general whether we can display dynamic 3D content or not and have a batch generator, it seems that There is no possibility now and as a suggestion maybe if this possibility is added, new functions can be used by the users of Blufftitler.
SamSaam, 3 years ago
Gran noticia. Un magnífico potencial para Blufftitler.
JOSE LUIS, 3 years ago
Super great news! Thanks a lot, Michiel. If there would be the possibility of an OBJ-Sequence import I will be truly overwhelmed.
Thor5ten, 3 years ago
Rentrer de vacances avec cette nouvelle, c'est un vrai bonheur ! Merci Michiel.
Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago
That's fantastic news. I have been struggling to find .x files, and the conversions I have done have been less than optimal.
steveg, 3 years ago