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steveg | 3 years ago | 10 comments | 658 views


I'd like to create a scene where an object orbits a planet in an anti-clockwise direction, as shown in the attached image.

I've tried using Bixelangelo to create the path but wasn't able to get it smooth enough.

What would be the best way to achieve this?


= Steve

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We must be doing something wrong because this is *EXACTLY* what Bixelangelo has been designed for...

It even has a preset for this: choose the menu item WINDOW > Element, select the TURN preset and click a few times on the ADD button. Use the HEIGHT field to make it move up/down.

Maybe switching to a higher quality in Bluff solves the smooth issue: choose the menu item SETTINGS > HIGH QUALITY.

michiel, 3 years ago

Hello Steve. Two kinds of examples that can help ...

Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago

Michiel, no I'm pretty sure it's just me doing something wrong. I'll try your suggestion. Thank you.

Alex, thanks - I'll check them out.

= Steve

steveg, 3 years ago

Hi Michiel,

Now that I have time I decided to revisit this, but I'm still having problems working out how you did your example.

When I try to draw the same path in Bixelangelo, it looks like it was done by a two year old. Actually a two year old would probably do a better job than me. :-)

Is that a top view, front view, or something else? What view should I start with?

How do you get the curves so smooth in Bixelangelo?


= Steve

steveg, 3 years ago

Steve, I used a preset: choose the menu item WINDOW > Element, select the TURN preset and click a few times on the ADD button. Use the HEIGHT field to make it move up/down.

michiel, 3 years ago

Hi Michiel,

I did try that but I don't think I was doing it right. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it now.


= Steve

steveg, 3 years ago

I finally got this worked out and have achieved what I was after.

I was going to link the video here but the "Link (URL) How do I embed a video?" link just opens the same page again.

= Steve

steveg, 3 years ago

The link works now. Thank you for reporting this!

michiel, 3 years ago

Thanks Michiel!

Here's what I ended up creating with your gracious assistance.

= Steve

steveg, 3 years ago


michiel, 3 years ago

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