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jerryhassell | 3 years ago | 11 comments | 809 views

How can I make a show with dynamic content as follows:
There should be a text part stable at top and dynamic content should work at bottom without affecting the the top text.

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Only the dynamic part changes.

If you make a show everything will be the same, but everytime the show repeats it will change the dynamic part.

In the link is a downloadable show that has "stable text" and dynamic text every loop.

komies, 3 years ago

Thanks komies for your quick response..

But I need to animate top text (in your show it is "Blufftitler") at once then it should be stay there without affect while dynamic text continues.


jerryhassell, 3 years ago

The text is stable/static but the camera moves.

So make a show without camera movement.

You can make the show as you want it to be.

So place upper text maybe even with Style 2d in foreground.

Then place the link to the xml file in the textbox and under the first.

There are example shows in the installer files under dynamic.

My show was just an example to learn from.

komies, 3 years ago

Here's an example:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Copy/paste this in Notepad and save it as D:\Temp\test.xml

The a elements can be rendered by a text layer using this text: xml:D:\Temp\test.xml?top/a
The b elements can be rendered by a text layer using this text: xml:D:\Temp\test.xml?top/b
The c elements can be rendered by a text layer using this text: xml:D:\Temp\test.xml?top/c

The show loops 3 times because the c tag is used 3 times. Here's what the 3 text layers render for every loop:

1st text layer: A1 A1 A1
2nd text layer: B1 B2 B1
3rd text layer: C1 C2 C3

The 1st text layer simply repeats the very same text.

The 2nd text layer restarts after 2 loops.

And the 3rd text layer is the only one who renders a different text for every loop.

Does this answer your question?

michiel, 3 years ago

Dear Michiel,
Can you please make a demo for me??

Advance thanks

jerryhassell, 3 years ago

Jerry, I'd be happy to create a demo for you.

But before I do that, could you please tell a bit more about your project? What exactly are you trying to do?

michiel, 3 years ago

Hi Michiel,
Sorry for delay.
I'm planning to make a programme schedule for our Church (a drama). I need to have the church name and drama title to animate first at top at once and stay there. Then dynamic content should start to show the drama details at bottom text like story, song, direction.. etc.
see attached image (image is for reference only)
Part 1 should animate at once.
Part 2 dynamic content.

jerryhassell, 3 years ago

I think I would create 2 shows.

In the first show, part 1 is animated. This show is played once.

In the second show, part 1 is fixed and the dynamic content is played. This show is looped until all content is displayed.

michiel, 3 years ago

yes please..

jerryhassell, 3 years ago

Maybe this can get you started:

michiel, 3 years ago

Thanks a lot Michiel bro,

This is what exactly I needed. I recreated the play list with 2 more slides (total 4 slides) and it working perfectly as I wish.

Thanks again for such a great software..
God bless..

jerryhassell, 3 years ago

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