NextPreviousHomeduration problem importing AVI into Studio 12

politico31 | 15 years ago | 5 comments | 2.3K views

When I save a created show ("export as movie...") with a duration of 15 seconds, the AVI result has a duration of only 1 second. The created duration does not seem to matter, the result is always 1 second. I'm sure it's something very elementary that I'm appreciated!

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Does the movie play ok in Windows Media Player?

michiel, 15 years ago

Are you using Pinnacle by any chance? There's a bug that requires you to export a AVI with transparency and when you're prompted for compression, select default.


DaveH, 15 years ago

Michiel...the movie is only on 1 second duration in Windows Media player, so the duration is changed in that transition.

DaveH, I do use Pinnacle Studio 12, but the duration change takes place before I import the movie into Studio, see above comment. I tried 3 different times, each with a different initia duration, but they always run in WMP for 1 second. Any ideas? I'm sure I'm screwing something up, just don't know where to start! Thanks for your interest and input, guys...

politico31, 15 years ago

Also, Dave, thank you for that comment on transparency/default...didn't know that, but I'll try it. Would the simple fact that Pinnacle is resident create the export problem, even if it's not open?

politico31, 15 years ago

No, the problem would only occur when you try to add it Pinnacle - it's a random problem but when it occurs the method above should work. I've never had a problem exporting - when exporting does the bluff "time line cursor" move the whole way through the show before the export is complete?


DaveH, 15 years ago

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