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Per | 15 years ago | 8 comments | 2.7K views

One thing missing in the user guide:

Is this setting "Low, Normal and High Quality" just for editing?

Or does it render movies in the same setting?

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I think is for both edit show playback and final render.
Setting should be relative to the show size and the PC
performances like VGA and CPU capabilities and also your
show components.

bylaw, 15 years ago

Would be handy if there was one for edit (which can get very sluggish) and one for final render(which should always be best quality of course)

Per, 15 years ago

It renders movies in the same setting.

michiel, 15 years ago

An option is For EDIT, set your show to a small screen size, like 640x360 and playback at 50% size. For FINAL render change the show resolution to the big screen size.

bylaw, 15 years ago

Back on the good ole days when people did their 3D imagery on a 68040 with 12Mb of ram and no fancy gadgetry like today GPUs, multiprocessors and the like, we always composed, visualized and corrected every scene in wireframe / unshaded / low quality mode and then bump the quality to spec when rendering the final output. I dont see any problem doing what Bylaw suggested. Its the usual way.

alxtronics, 15 years ago

I don't see any problem doing what I suggested either ;)

Per, 15 years ago

For Per suggestion, Like in the old day, editing video, the program has to create a duplicate set of small size and low resolution components to use in the EDIT mode. Edit and Playback on a low quality video platform. At Final render, Program has to reference to and fro the original components to create a final video.

This workflow is not efficient for a 3D program.

bylaw, 15 years ago

Wrong bylaw.
The program does it now. It would just be saving us the extra step of flicking the switch.

Per, 15 years ago

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