Dick (FOV) | 4 years ago | 3 comments | 756 views
BluffTitler is a great application, especially when you consider that it is not developed by a large software company.
I was wondering which huge features (the next big thing) would attract new users or do you want to pay for?
For me this would be the ability to render FilterForge filter files (.ffxml) with the GPU engine of BluffTitler and the possibility to import these files in BluffTitler directly.
There is a library with over 13,000 community user filters.
FilterForge is also a great application, but it's built on a base of CPU rendering, which is much slower than GPU rendering for graphics. I think the company is too small to change technology as it means that all building blocks have to be reprogrammed.
Maybe working together with "FilterForge company" and Outerspace software can lead to great new things ...... ...?
Thank you for your request!
Realize that the colourmap layer can be used to generate, animate and use textures at the same time.
This is a good example:
michiel, 4 years ago
Thank goodness Outerspace Software is not a large company! Large companies often tend to be only about big profits and lose touch with their customers.
I run a small software company in a completely different field and we can be way more flexible and responsive than larger software companies.
In my opinion, small private companies are customer focused. Large public companies are shareholder focused.
Thank you Outerspace Software for not being a large company.
= Steve
steveg, 4 years ago
I agree that we are lucky Outerspace Software is not a large public company.
I think this is the same for the creators of the FilterForge application.
Both make unique, less common, applications.
This does not mean that smaller companies can't collaborate on expensive innovations that benefit both of them.
Wouldn't it be nice if eg the entire user library of more than 8000 FilterForge filters could render with BluffTitler's GPU engine; instead of rendering minutes (for a complex filter on a large image), a whole series of FilterForge images with filters (video / title) can be generated in just seconds.
That would appeal to me.
Smaller companies must also have income for further development.
What would be your "next big thing" you want to pay for yourself or what new customers would pay for?
Dick (FOV), 4 years ago