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steveg | 4 years ago | 7 comments | 815 views

Is there a way to change the default Personal save folder?

I searched the Windows Registry and also for a BluffTitler INI file.


= Steve

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Select the SETTINGS tab of the tech info dialog (<CONTROL><F1>) for the location and content of the settings file.

Its location is fixed. Why do you want to change this?

michiel, 4 years ago

Hi Michiel,

I don't want to change the location of the settings file. I just want to change the default location for where my personal shows are stored because I store them on a D: drive. When I open or save a personal show, I'd just like it to default to a location on the D: drive. It would save me having to navigate to it each time.

For example, in the attached screenshot it shows my Personal shows folder as: C:\Users\Steve\Documents\BluffTitler\Shows. Instead, I would prefer this to be D:\BluffTitlerShows.

= Steve

steveg, 4 years ago

Your save location is remembered. When you save a show, the file dialog opens in the same folder you used last time your saved a show. BluffTitler only reverts to the default save location when this folder no longer exists.

michiel, 4 years ago

Ahh, ok. Thanks Michiel!

= Steve

steveg, 4 years ago

Hi Michiel,

Firstly I have to say that BluffTitler is an amazing product. The more I use it the more I love it.

Now on to the Personal folder stuff again.

I've noticed that the last personal saved location is forgotten in this situation:

1. I create a new show.
2. When I go to save it, if Personal is selected then it shows the last used person folder.
3. If I select App button, and then select Personal, it defaults back to C:\Users.....

As I always save my projects to a sub-folder (eg. D:\BluffTitler Projects\MyProject) under the same location, it would be nice if BluffTitler would always default to the projects root folder (eg. D:\BluffTitler Projects) so that I could then create/select a project sub-folder instead of having to navigate there each time.



steveg, 4 years ago

Well, that's were Microsoft wants you to store your personal files. They are automatically backuped on OneDrive so you can continue working on the same project on another machine.

If you want to rebel: in the SETTINGS > Options... dialog you will find a CUSTOM FOLDER option. When you enter your favourite folder here, a button is added in the top right of the file dialog that immediately jumps to this location.

michiel, 4 years ago

That's perfect. Thank you.

= Steve

steveg, 4 years ago

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