Alleyoop | 4 years ago | 8 comments | 775 views
I created a Title from the Lower Thirds collection with Alpha channel, but when imported into Media Composer it isn't transparent, it has a black background. I've performed this process countless times over the years and have never had a problem.
The Title is Lower Thirds 02. I deleted the Background Container, modified text, colours and position, and exported uncompressed avi with alpha channel just the same as I always have. Media Composer imports it same as always, acknowledges that it has Alpha channel, but the file isn't transparent.
I've checked all the layers, doesn't seem to be two background layers.
What have I missed?
On the camera layer select F9 change effect camera/ system/ viewalphachannel.cfx to see if you missed something. Don't forget to remove before exporting.
komies, 4 years ago
Do you mean the template Text\ from the installer?
To view the alpha channel, I applied the System\ViewAlphaChannel effect to the camera layer and set the FX CHECKERBOARD prop to 1.
As you can see from this screenshot it looks OK.
Do not forget to remove the effect from the camera layer before exporting because the effect is only meant for debugging.
michiel, 4 years ago
A quick way to test the generated video is to render it in BluffTitler by a video layer.
In this screenshot the transparent AVI is rendered on top of a plasma layer.
michiel, 4 years ago
Sorry for lack of clarity on the title, it's Bix Pack 31 02.
Thank you for the help, but I don't understand the instructions for the camera layer. F9 on the camera layer brings up the search box for Texture or Change Effect, how do I get to System?
I added a layer to the Show and it came up fine behind the text, indicating all is ok, however, when I render it, it's still not transparent. When rendered with a Plasma Layer, the Plasma Layer is visible.
I've attached a screen shot of my Source and Record monitors in Media Composer. There is definitely a difference. The problem title in the Record monitor is not black like the transparent title in the Source monitor, it's dark brown. There's also a slight trace of a couple of circles. There must be a layer that's overriding the alpha track.
I appreciate the help.
Alleyoop, 4 years ago
Hold up, I think I see the problem, Layer 3 is a Plasma Layer, I'll delete it and test again. I'm pretty sure that's it, I'll get back.
Alleyoop, 4 years ago
Yes, that was it, what a rookie mistake, sorry I overlooked that.
I'd still be interested to know that technique of getting to System/view alpha channel though.
Thanks for the help, apologies for not being more thorough in checking the Layers.
Alleyoop, 4 years ago
Aha, so your question was about BixPack31\!
This template indeed uses a plasma layer as well. To make the background transparent the following 2 layers have to deleted:
-LAYER 03 Plasma
-LAYER 04 Background [Container]
Here's how to check the alpha channel:
-select the camera layer
-press <F9> (or choose MEDIA > Change effect....)
-click on the SELECT EFFECT button and select the System\ViewAlphaChannel effect
This renders the transparent background as black and the non-transparent parts as white.
To render with a checkerboard, set the FX CHECKERBOARD to 1.
I'd like to stress that in normal situations you never have to use this effect. It's only meant for debugging. I had not used this effect for months.
michiel, 4 years ago
OK, thanks Michiel.
No I've not had a problem with alpha channel before, it was just that extra plasma layer that threw me.
Alleyoop, 4 years ago