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maitegras | 15 years ago | 7 comments | 4.1K views

hi all.
I wonder if there is any way to introduce a show that we have done in a new show
sony vegas if you can do this
This information is valuable for me and so you can share in www.videoedicion.
Spanish forum


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You mean inserting a bt project file as an event in Vegas?.
If yes, Michiel is the only one with the answer.

bylaw, 15 years ago

Do you mean that you would like to use BluffTitler as a plugin for Sony Vegas?

We once started this project but it turned out to be a lot more complex than we thought. But it is definitely something we would love to do.

michiel, 15 years ago

hola en espanol
no michiel ,yo quiero decir.
que si puedo abrir un show ya terminado ,sobre otro show ,con blufftiler?

maitegras, 15 years ago

un ejemplo
este video yo he hecho, las ruedas de las imagenes (son GIF)
quisiera yo hacer las mismas ruedas 3d con blufftitler.
pero entonces en el mismo proyecto serian muchas capas.
entonces 1 hacer ruedas en un solo proyecto y guardar .
y 2 hacer proyecto de imagenes para despues en ese mismo
proyecto abrir show de ruedas

maitegras, 15 years ago

So you want to play a BluffTitler show as a texture inside another BluffTitler show?

That is a very nice feature request. Thank you!!!

michiel, 15 years ago

if correct.
"Then this can be? in future

maitegras, 15 years ago

Yes. Just like using an MPEG file as a texture you will be able to use a BT file as a texture.

michiel, 15 years ago

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