Jeep35 | 5 years ago | 11 comments | 1 like | 1.1K views
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I'm trying a new software able to generate 3D textures up to 8K with a lot of parameters.
Once setting is complete, I may export the result in different formats.
My question is : how to use these formats in BluffTitler to have a 3D texture ?
As example, here is a zip file containing all the formats for a floor texture which could be used with the future buildings.
You can use the displacement map and specular map.
what is this software called?
I use Filter Forge, here my tutorial (for use the map in BluffTitler):
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
Finally, i've seen that we can output a colormap format then it becomes easier
A new example of a wet mud as seen in BluffTitler.
Jeep35, 5 years ago
Nice textures!
Don't forget to use some specularity: use the SPECULARITY property.
And play around with the POSITION property of the light layer.
michiel, 5 years ago
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