Jeep35 | 5 years ago | 4 comments | 2 likes | 1.1K views
ID Production and Alex-Raymond T. like this!
To use a project made in BluffTitler with a transparency background in DaVinci Resolve, no need to save it in "with transparency" in BluffTitler.
Just save it as a MP4 then
- import it in DaVinci
- select its layer on the timeline
- right click and choose Clip attributes
- in Alpha mode select "premultiplied"
That's working fine
DaVinci Resolve do not accept AVI files as is so a MP4 file is perfect.
Reminder : DaVinci Resolve is free and is at least as good as Vegas or Premiere. It's Fusion mode authorizes exceptionnal 3D features very near to those of After Effects.
Well I go and try da Vinci. Have asked for an integration of BluffTitler.
Filip, 5 years ago
Does MP4 have an Alpha Channel capability? I was under impression we have to use AVI for this.
lightads, 5 years ago
To lightads
You can have a MP4 output made with BluffTtler and import it in DaVinci Resolve as explained in my first post. All the black background of BluffTitler will become transparent.
Jeep35, 5 years ago
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