NextPreviousHometext transparency

songweaver | 15 years ago | 3 comments | 2.6K views

I can't get a transparent text show that works online. Her is how I am doing it at6 the present time.
1. I make a show (black background)
2. I process it using; "Export as a movie" using "Uncompressed with transparency" as my setting.
3. I then convert the file from AVI to Swf using a conversion program.
Can someone please help me get transparent text that will work on a home page online?

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An easy way to test the transparency info of your video is to load it back into BT by choosing the menu item LAYER / ADD LAYER / ADD VIDEO LAYER...

A plasma background is perfect for testing.

If this works fine the problem is your AVI to SWF conversion tool. Not a solution, but this way you know where the problem is.

michiel, 15 years ago

Hello Michiel,
I found out a couple of things are contributing to the issue. One was the aspect ratio and the other was the conversion program settings. I got the show to do a full white background but I haven't quite made it to having the text alone on the show...
I wonder how others accomplish this (settings) and why no one else has answered to this up to now?

songweaver, 15 years ago

I think you might find an answer on a Flash forum. No doubt BT is rendering your alpha channel correctly. How to convert that to flash is for a flash expert to advise.

JimH, 15 years ago

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