NextPreviousHomeChristmas Ornament

jmarkt | 15 years ago | 5 comments | 3.0K views

Has there ever been a show created or a tutorial done on how to make a Christmas ornament? Seems it could be accomplished with a 3d model and reflection fx?????

A search didn't come up with one, but thought I'd seen one on the Forum a couple of years ago???

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Can you point us to a picture of the Christmas ornament you are looking for?

michiel, 15 years ago

Michiel - I have no 3D models, but any round conventional ball that would effectively accomodate a reflection effect would be great! Recent HD crash has me struggling for assets, files, links, etc.

Thanks for any help.

jmarkt, 15 years ago

You can create a ball with the picture layer. Simply select SPHERE in the 1st dropdown listbox below the textbox.

To use the current picture as a reflectionmap:
-press F9
-press the SELECT EFFECT button and choose the file ReflectionMap.fx

michiel, 15 years ago

I created a perfectly round ball in PS, with shading, etc., flattened and saved as PNG. When I applied Sphere, it became a pear!

jmarkt, 15 years ago

Nice trick to make a pear :)

When you remove the shading and the transparency info, I'm sure the sphere will be round.

michiel, 15 years ago

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