NextPreviousHomeBeat-Perfect Audiotrack? with waveform visualisation?

2ids | 6 years ago | 3 comments | 1.4K views

Hi Michiel,

another idea from us and perhaps a feature wish. Is it possible to make the audio-layer visible so movement and timing could easily sync perfectly to the beat?

we use BT for many flat title animations and a perfect synced beat movement is always what we wish...but you can't hear the audio track(scrubbing trough) nor you can see the peaks to position the movement of the titles. a track that visualizes that special audio layer would be a great enhancement we think.

Have a good time and all the BEst
2IDs edia:design

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Do you mean the VJ layer?

Here is a Bixpack that utilize this:

komies, 6 years ago

The Special\Oscillator effect can be used for music with a fixed BPM.

michiel, 6 years ago

ahmmm, no that's not what we looking for. The direction is right but it gives us not enough possibilities like the movies we create handmade. take a look at it. perhaps it will t show better :-) btw. we love the vj feature :-)

2ids, 6 years ago

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