liuyongcai | 6 years ago | 6 comments | 1.7K views
Liuyongcai 字体.在14.1.0.7 版本.中红色标记.几个字符.位置全部为0.轴心点全部为0.显示字符的轴心点不正确 .
Liuyongcai font. In the version. Red mark. Several characters. The position is all 0. The pivot point is all 0. The axis point of the display character is incorrect.
米歇尔先生:您好 !Liuyongcai 字体.在14.1.0.7 版本.中红色标记.几个字符.位置全部为0.轴心点全部为0.显示字符的轴心点不正确 .希望保存模板时.保留特效文件夹.谢谢!
Mr. Michelle: Hello! Liuyongcai font. In the version. Red mark. Several characters. All positions are 0. The pivot point is all 0. The axis point of the display character is incorrect. When you want to save the template, keep the effect folder. Thank you!
Version fixed the numbers normalization bug. Unfortunately this bugfix killed your show.
To prevent jumping, number characters (0123456789) in a well designed font all have the same width. You can test this in BluffTitler by using the time and counter tags:
BluffTitler automatically fixes badly designed fonts by adding some space to the end of those characters and that's exactly what happens with your font.
michiel, 6 years ago
The problem is that the previous, template has been messed up, with this font.
liuyongcai, 6 years ago
Yes I understand.
We could make numbers normalization optional. It once was, but nobody understood this, resulting in jumping numbers all over the place. Turning the option on by default was no solution either. We'll think about it.
michiel, 6 years ago
The problem is that the previous template messed up the font. Keep fonts compatible. Save the template. Keep the effects folder. Thank you!
liuyongcai, 6 years ago
Version features the NORMALIZE NUMERALS checkbox in the MEDIA > Change font dialog.
Unmark this checkbox for your font.
michiel, 6 years ago
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