NextPreviousHomeToo many keyframes for one layer

taucher1945 | 15 years ago | 3 comments | 2.5K views

I have version 7.6.4
I believe to remember that in earlier versions of BT every property of a layer displayed their own pattern of keyframes. Now for example I have a text layer and I edit text position with 3 KF, text rotationwith 2 KF and character rotation with 2 KF. In the end I see 9 Keyframes altogether and I dont know which one belongs to which property.
Has this been so before?

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Yes it has always worked this way.

Every layer has its own timeline and every keyframe sets all properties.

michiel, 15 years ago

Wouldnt that be better if I could only see the keyframes which are relevant for the property Im just editing?

taucher1945, 15 years ago

I called this as a "Love & Hate" feature.
Love it as I can sync movements with other properties.
Hate it as I see too many keyframes not relevant to the property.
A "switch" to set on/off and coloured keyframes for the non relevant would be a nice-to-have feature.

bylaw, 15 years ago

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