ramman | 15 years ago | 2 comments | 3 likes | 8.0K views
Tester, michiel and DaveH like this!
In a previous posting I mislabeled Container Layer as Envelope Layer(comes from too much usage of Vegas). My application to Star Trek Transporter is an obvious one to make the point.
1. Add Container Layer
2. Attach 1st Picture Layer with graphic that you want to show through attached plasma (at later time).
3. Attach 2nd Picture Layer using same graphic as 2.
4. Attach Plasma Layer to 2nd picture layer.
Make 2nd Picture lLayer active. Its transparency controls both the graphic picture and the attached plasma. As I adjust its transparency the plasma becomes more and more transparent and what shows through is the 1st Picture Layer graphic ... which is the original graphic. This is how you can make a graphic with an attached plasma layer show the onderlying graphic and hence exhibit transparency. The original problem was that when a Plasma Layer is attached to a graphic, it looses its transparency characteristic.
Question: how do I download this in a format that can be shown directly without unzipping first?
ramman; a great show. I will using this technique for my kids very soon, they're big Star Trek fans.
When you save, select Save Show + All Media Files. This will create a stand-alone version of your show that will run from your link.
DaveH, 15 years ago
Dave ... thanks for the complement.
Could you be more specific on the "run from your link" part of your reply. I don't have a WEB address (only EMAIL)...if thats what you are referring to. I did a save show+all Media files. Then I zipped it and sent it out. How do the others that have the line "play show" appearing below the graphic get to that point? When clicked on it brings up a menu allowing one to run the bt file directly out of BluffTitler without first having to unzip?
ramman, 15 years ago