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kdye43 | 15 years ago | 7 comments | 2.6K views

Is this possible in BluffTitler? If so, how do you do it?

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The answer is no. You can use only a single tweening effect per layer.

michiel, 15 years ago

Thanks for the response michiel. The reason I ask is because I have a text layer that uses the damper tween and then after about 5 seconds I want to text to fade out. I do that by changing the transparency to 1 from one frame to the next. The only problem is the transparency dampers as well.

How do I achieve this? Create 2 videos? Have the 1st video do the damper and then create a 2nd video that takes the last frame and fades it out using constant speed tweening?

kdye43, 15 years ago


Other options include:
-using 2 text layers
-using the CONSTANT SPEED tweening method and creating the DAMPER effect yourself with a few keyframes
-don't worry about the transparency being damped as well

michiel, 15 years ago

While cycling a simple and elegant solution occured to me:

-attach the text to a container layer
-animate the text with the damper effect
-animate the transparency of the container layer

michiel, 15 years ago

Good call Michiel! The only issue I'm tackling is how to preserve the original size of the image and text layers when attaching them to the container layer. My beveled text gets extra jaggy and images much smaller.

kdye43, 15 years ago

I think you are confusing size with position. When a layer is placed further away from the camera is appears smaller due to the perspective projection. Just like in real life: things that are further away look smaller.

When layers are attached to a container layer, all positions are *relative* to the position of the container layer.

For example if your text is placed at position (100,100,100) and your container also at (100,100,100), your text will be rendered at (200,200,200)

So moving either the container layer or your text layer will solve the size problem.

michiel, 15 years ago

I got it figured out. Thanks again Michiel.

kdye43, 15 years ago

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