How to use templates

There are 3 main sources of BluffTitler templates:

This page explains how you can change the texts and pictures of a BluffTitler show.

Change all texts

The easiest way to change the texts is to choose EDIT > Change all Texts... This displays a dialog where you can edit all texts the show uses.

The same dialog is displayed when you click on the corresponding button in the upper right corner of the render window or press <Ctrl> A.

Change all pictures

The easiest way to change the pictures is to choose EDIT > Change all Textures... This displays a dialog where you can edit all pictures the show uses.

Texture is the computer graphics term for a picture or photo.

The same dialog is displayed when you click on the corresponding button in the upper right corner of the render window or press <Alt> A.


A BluffTitler show is built out of layers. Every layer can have its own text and pictures. The above dialogs are shortcuts to change the texts and pictures of all layers without having to select those layers. The below techniques require that you select the right layer first.

Layers dropdown

You can select a layer (making it the active layer) with the layers dropdown above the Play button on the tool window.

Change the text of the active layer

You can edit the text of the active layer with the textbox on the left side of the tool window. Alternatively you can choose MEDIA > Change text....

Change the picture of the active layer

You can replace the 1st picture of the active layer by clicking the Change texture... button on the right side of the tool window.

Alternatively you can choose MEDIA > Change texture... or choose MEDIA > Change effect... or press <F8> or press <F9>. All those menu items and keys display the very same dialog where you can replace not only the 1st but also the 2nd picture (and effect) of the active layer.

Change the picture of a traced picture layer

The traced picture layer uses the picture for 2 things: the vector shape and the texture.

When you choose MEDIA > Change texture... only the texture is updated.

But when you choose MEDIA > Change traced picture... both are updated!

Find the right layer

When the show has lots of layers it can be difficult to find the right layer. The below techniques can be used to find the layer you are looking for.

Find dialog

When you choose EDIT > Find... (or press <Ctrl> F) a dialog is presented that allows you to find a layer by searching on its text, texture, effect, font or name. Press <Ctrl> G (or choose EDIT > Find Next) to find the next layer.

Select a layer by clicking on it

You can select a layer by double clicking on it. Sometimes however this does not work because transparent or additive blended layers are in front of the layer, blocking it from being clicked.

Render info

When you choose SETTINGS > Render info or press <F2> the coordinate system of the active layer is rendered with red, green and blue arrows.

Render only the active layer

When holding down the <Ctrl> and <Shift> keys at the same time, only the active layer is rendered. This can confirm you have selected the right layer.

Rename your layer

When you choose LAYER > Active layer properties... or press <Ctrl> Q you can give the active layer a name. This name is visible in the layers dropdown, making it easier to find again.

Visibility checkbox

When in doubt you have selected the right layer you can also temporarily hide the layer by unmarking the Visible checkbox at the right side of the tool window.

Outside BluffTitler

BluffTitler show files only contain links to pictures. This means that if you edit the picture in a paint app, save it under the same name and reload the show, the picture will be changed. You can reload the show by choosing CONTROL > Refresh, pressing <F5> or by restarting BluffTitler and reloading the show. But be careful with this method because all other shows using the same picture will be changed as well.