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persiana | 7 years ago | 4 comments | 1.3K views

Porqué cuando trabajo con un show y quiero exportar como imagen u otra operación, no me lleva a la carpeta donde esta ese show?
Esto me provoca fallos, incluso he eliminado algún show al no darme cuenta de que estoy en otra carpeta.

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BluffTitler differentiates between the the open show, save show, export as video and export as picture paths.

This is convenient when you want to open a few shows from location A and save/export them to location B.

The paths are remembered so you do not have to navigate to the very same folder over and over again.

michiel, 7 years ago

Pero a mi no me recuerda la ruta y me manda a otra carpeta

persiana, 7 years ago

When you choose FILE > EXPORT AS VIDEO..., the file dialog starts in the same folder you used the last time you choose this menu item.

This not the same folder as the last show you opened, or the last show you saved.

This is by design.

michiel, 7 years ago

A mi me lleva a la ultima carpeta que utilicé, no a la que estoy utilizando

persiana, 7 years ago

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