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DaveH | 7 years ago | 28 comments | 12 likes | 2.5K views

SMSgtRod, Sma, Kanon and 9 others like this!

A modified, shorter more streamlined version of earlier show now with a nice "New Year" ending message.

Hope you can find this show of use. Happy new year!

* If you have CM_ReflectionMap_39.jpg - use this instead of my "dull" version.
* Save main show uncompressed with transparency
* Overlay this in your NLE on provided background output (or use your own)

I like to use a separate background if the camera is moving as it gives a constant position of background.

Regards Dave

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What a GREAT show. you have certainly put a lot of work into this. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm going to start planning my photo collection for 2018.

Dave, do you have a guide for what goes on the different text layers to lesson all of the trial and error to put it together again?

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

Thanks for sharing, Dave

komies, 7 years ago

A great job and a great thank you for sharing it

Jeep35, 7 years ago

Wonderful show and thank you very much for sharing, Dave!

Ulli, 7 years ago

Nice show, nice sweaters and a nice clock!

Thank you Dave. A very happy 2018!

michiel, 7 years ago

Thanks to all - it's nice to give something back.
In the early days of Bluff I would not have learned what I did without shared shows.


DaveH, 7 years ago

Thank again for sharing this show Dave. Have a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful Happy New Year for you and all your family, A+

Eddy, 7 years ago

Great Show, have a blessed Christmas and new year

Filip, 7 years ago

Thanks Eddie & Filip :-)

DaveH, 7 years ago

Dave, that is really something special..... thank you for the show share.... I'll be learning from that one.

SMSgtRod, 7 years ago

Congratulations and "hat down". Thank you very much for sharing.

Alex-Raymond T., 7 years ago

Thank you for sharing

chaver, 7 years ago

Link to original graphics (dates placeholders).

Thanks for the nice comments. Appreciated.

DaveH, 7 years ago

Thanks for sharing the original month graphics Dave. I finally figured out what was going on. :-) I kept looking for the text to show up and since I've realized that you created all of the month titles off line and brought them into BT as a texture. After that light bulb flashed on for me I recreated all of those files in my PhotoShop Elements 14 and even picked out a picture frame for them. My next question is about the photos you added. What is the actual aspect ratio you used for them or should I just process them through PhotoShop and manually resize them down to the same size as the monthly titles? I take it that you were just manipulating the camera layer to zoom in on each of the photos. Sorry for such newbee questions.

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

Hi MrGruntHunter (great name); not sure of exact aspect ratio, just about 1.3

So flow is:

* show "calendar text" - actually pictures (just shared) - spin 360 degrees + 30 to get to January picture.
* as each text goes out of view, make text transparent, make actual picture visible.
* Container moves rotates and moves up/down.
* Clock is a separate container from another show I did so you could use this on it's own.
* When the clock is shown, camera moves as does camera field of view

Finally I personally love the movement that the "Spline Overhauser" gives i.e. never a jerky move and provides a floating sensation. The only down side is you have to add extra key frames to slow down/freeze movement.

Glad you've already dissected the show so well. As in most cases the show itself is pretty simple, setting up the container so the Pivot centre point in middle of container can take a while (for me) to sort out.

Enjoy - Dave

DaveH, 7 years ago

Thanks Dave. I probably should have edited my comment/question. What I discovered I could do was to create each of the individual text titles in my PhotoShop Elements and bring them into the show as a texture. As for the photos, it dawned on my that I could also use the text title files in PhotoShop as a template for the photos. I opened up the text title file in PS and then brought in what photo I wanted to use then resized it to fit inside of the frame I used for the title text, saved it as a new file and then brought that into BT as more textures. :-) Once I have photos inserted for all of the months then all I'll have left to do is adjust the camera (or container ) layers, not sure yet which one, to match my photo layouts. NOW!, my biggest hurdle it trying to find enough photos to complete all of the months. Ha ha. I'm going to plan ahead now to create a special folder for photos to use for next year. I love your show. Very creative. Thank you again for sharing.

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

thanks! :-) I love photography, my problem is which photos do I leave out :-(

DaveH, 7 years ago

Félicitations. Merci beaucoup pour le partage. Nous nous sommes content de recevoir et je pense que toi tu dois être content de donner.

lecoq, 7 years ago

Dave, another question. At the end of your show, on my computer I had to adjust the position of the text "a Very Happy" so the 'a' would show. What is constraining the amount of text you can have on this line? I tried adding the text "and Safe" to that line but it won't show up. I've looked at all of the parameters for those two layers (4 & 5) but can see what is limiting the length of the text.

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

Hi MrGurntHunter.

Yes this one is all about try and see (for me anyhow).

* Go to relevant text layer
* Select FX Clip Plane Position
* First keyframe is start position mine is -960 you may have to make this even larger (negative) e.g. -1100; a value to small and the start of the text will show.
* Second keyframe is the end position mine it +970; your's may have to be larger. Too small a value and the end of your text will be missing.
* You also have to put the same values for the same keyframes (FX Clip Plane Position) on the:
- Stroke sub layer
- Particle layer
All layers must be synched.

Regards Dave

DaveH, 7 years ago

That did the trick Dave. It took a littler playing around with the numbers, and the timing of the particle layer, but I got it to work. I found an audio track that fir perfectly. I also downloaded audio of Big Ben chiming midnight but I think that will be much easier to add in my Vegas Pro. Many thanks again.
From my family to yours, Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Safe & Prosperous New Year.

MrGruntHunter, 7 years ago

thanks - glad it's all worked out.


DaveH, 7 years ago

Je viens de découvrir cette animation .
Trés plaisante à voir et d'une grande originalité , quel professionnalisme , bravo.
Merci pour le partage et Joyeux Noël


PAT67, 7 years ago

Merci beaucoup. J'espère que vous avez un joyeux noël!

DaveH, 7 years ago

DaveH, thank you so much for sharing your show! :)

Nice pictures and nice show! :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :)

irina1208, 7 years ago

HI Irina - great to hear from you. Hope it's not too cold in Russia! Have a great Christmas


DaveH, 7 years ago

Great work, merci!

misterbrains, 7 years ago


E-VAG, 4 years ago

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