NextPreviousHomeHow to circle text in an arbitrary plane?

happy3d | 7 years ago | 3 comments | 1.6K views

A string of text can be made to revolve around the y axis using text alignment "circle 2" and animated with "text rotation".

How can I have multiple such strings, each circling in a slightly different plane (not just xy, xz, yz planes), and with different text?

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Maybe you can place the different 'circle 2' texts in a container and rotate the container

vincent, 7 years ago

I think the answer is indeed the container layer.

But I think the rotation of the container must be static because this defines the "slightly different plane".

Set the rotation of this plane with the ROTATION prop of the container layer. Keep this prop fixed and rotate the text with the TEXT ROTATION prop of the attached text layer.

michiel, 7 years ago

Yes, It works!
Thank you vincent and michiel.

happy3d, 7 years ago

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