Alain Monfort | 7 years ago | 3 comments | 1.5K views
When opening anything in folder \Shows\Water, error occurs :
"Error loading "...\Media\Effects\Special\Water.cfx : could not create hull shader".
Have somebody this problem ?
Thank you for your help.
I did not had that problem!
im no expert on these things but i give it a try:
I assume as i read your comment that it previously worked.
if it did work previously....
Have you updated blufftitler to the latest version?
If yes, then it could be something to do with that perhaps?
if it worked before and you did a update, then it could be something
to with that perhaps.
have you tried other shows if these work?
I see Vincent said something that has to do with a videocard.
Perhaps you need to update or re-install the drivers of your videocard?
perhaps even you could try if it has nothing to do with the above to
reinstall blufftitler?
I would try the above thing first, drivers for your videocard.
Which card do you have?
God bless!
emef, 7 years ago
Vincent you have the right solution. I was working on a monitor supported by Intel HD Graphics. I've just switched on a monitor supported by AMD Radeon HD 7950 (DirectX 11) and all is OK.
Thanks a lot Guys !
Alain Monfort, 7 years ago