MVP | 7 years ago | 5 comments | 1.3K views
Would like the end of a Show/Text to remain (freeze frame) after completing the moving effect.
Example: A Show/Text animates onto the screen and then animates off.
I would like to hold (freeze frame) the text/graphic at some point preventing it from leaving the screen at the end.
Need a tutorial or step-by-step how to do it.
The text layer in your example probably has 4 key frames:
Key 1: the text is off the screen
Key 2: the text is on the screen (it animates onto the screen between key 1 and 2)
Key 3: the text is still on the screen (it stands still between key 2 and 3)
Key 4: the text is off the screen (it animates off the screen between key 3 and 4)
In this example, to freeze the frame after the text animates onto the screen, all you have to do is to delete key 4.
michiel, 7 years ago
The "Example" is not from a Show/Text that I have created.
I am referring to using your existing animations (BixPack24\ or Shows\Container\
Even after deleting the last Key, the animation still continues to move off screen.
I would like to hold the graphic on the screen before it disappears.
MVP, 7 years ago
BixPack24\Bonus6 uses 2 text layers: layer 3 and layer 4. When you delete the last key of both these layers, the text no longer moves off the screen.
Select a layer with the dropdown above the PLAY button.
Select a key by left clicking on it, or by using the PREVIOUS KEY and NEXT KEY buttons.
And delete a key with the DELETE KEY button.
michiel, 7 years ago
All texts of the installer show Container\Plate are children of container layer 4.
Deleting the last key of this container layer prevents the texts from moving off screen at the end of the show.
michiel, 7 years ago
Opening the "Container" on all the "Shows" revealed the "Keys" I needed to delete in order to perform a "Hold" on the last graphic.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!
MVP, 7 years ago