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whiz | 7 years ago | 3 comments | 1.1K views

being a new user, I have a lot of questions. the problem now is when I open a new show, the list of folders does not contain the text folder, where si it?

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Choose FILE > Open show... to open a show.

Maybe you are looking at the wrong folder. The exact location depends on the place where you have installed the application, but it ends on:


michiel, 7 years ago

BluffTitler features its own file dialog. If you are confused by this and would like to use the standard Windows file dialog, choose the menu item SETTINGS > OPTIONS... and mark the USE STANDARD WINDOWS FILE DIALOG checkbox.

michiel, 7 years ago

Oh, and BluffTitler's file dialog has an APP button in the upper right.

Click on this button to go to the templates that come with the installer. This folder has a TEXT subfolder that contains text layer examples.

michiel, 7 years ago

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